I am nowadays starting to find new ways to freedom, or rather, boundaries. I really don’t know what I’m writing, or rather now, typing. I only know that my mind is flying 3*10^8 times my writing speed (the speed of light). Excuse me for deviating a bit from solid literature at times to the more technological stuffs.
Now, I’m just being a machine, just typing what is coming to my mind without even caring about the grammar, but I should be thinking, inside my so called brain, or I would like to use the generally used term, 'the mind' But I sometimes find it difficult to dispense with being practical They say mind is an abstract term, which doesn’t really exist, or putting it in other words, the brain according to the technical purists and heart according to the literary purists, from which I find it hard to choose. Because, it is a literary figure I wanted to become but fate had some other plans, maybe better… and the two according to the common man (the clan in which I’m also included) believe are absolute opposites. So, kindly bear with the absurdity in my ‘technical-kissed’ ‘trying-to-be literary’ language...
Sometimes I doubt if i am the same person as I project myself to be. Am I actually this good, or this bad, as people in my life expect me to be. But then I have definitely not crossed the boundaries my family has put on me. Wait.. no.. I don’t want to lie, not here at least. I have crossed and am still crossing, not one but many boundaries my family and religion has forbidden me to do. So if the question is, whether I have some boundaries or not, the answer is a straight ‘yes’. But that is the boundary I created for myself, and in my personal case it is the boundary of my dignity. Boundaries, as far as I’m concerned, can do no harm, may be it can hurt but can never harm. So, maybe, my boundaries seem meaningless to some but I have them and I have no plans to do away with them in any near future.
Alright, enough of loose thoughts for today.. Some more such thoughts coming into my mind right now but I want to spare you the ordeal!! So, some other time!!
Now, I’m just being a machine, just typing what is coming to my mind without even caring about the grammar, but I should be thinking, inside my so called brain, or I would like to use the generally used term, 'the mind' But I sometimes find it difficult to dispense with being practical They say mind is an abstract term, which doesn’t really exist, or putting it in other words, the brain according to the technical purists and heart according to the literary purists, from which I find it hard to choose. Because, it is a literary figure I wanted to become but fate had some other plans, maybe better… and the two according to the common man (the clan in which I’m also included) believe are absolute opposites. So, kindly bear with the absurdity in my ‘technical-kissed’ ‘trying-to-be literary’ language...
Sometimes I doubt if i am the same person as I project myself to be. Am I actually this good, or this bad, as people in my life expect me to be. But then I have definitely not crossed the boundaries my family has put on me. Wait.. no.. I don’t want to lie, not here at least. I have crossed and am still crossing, not one but many boundaries my family and religion has forbidden me to do. So if the question is, whether I have some boundaries or not, the answer is a straight ‘yes’. But that is the boundary I created for myself, and in my personal case it is the boundary of my dignity. Boundaries, as far as I’m concerned, can do no harm, may be it can hurt but can never harm. So, maybe, my boundaries seem meaningless to some but I have them and I have no plans to do away with them in any near future.
Alright, enough of loose thoughts for today.. Some more such thoughts coming into my mind right now but I want to spare you the ordeal!! So, some other time!!