
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Commonwealth Games closed... Let the Audit begin...

I always knew that all this hue and cry about Kalmadi's mismanagement of funds will settle once the Games begin. But it felt sad that the same people and media who were thrashing Kalmadi once were praising him after the opening ceremony. Everybody just seemed to have forgotten that episode of corruption. Are good opening ceremony and successful games a gloss for Kalmadi for the gross misuse of funds?
While I too loved and enjoyed every Indian win, as also some other wonderful performances, I do not want to forget in this euphoria the massive misuse of funds and authority that has gripped this game’s organisation and games related infrastructure development. And before I go ahead, I want to say that the excellent and heart-warming performances by our athletes has been despite the system, not because of the system.
But, on the other hand, why just Kalmadi.. Making Kalmadi or some others the scapegoat would be wrong. These guys need to be taken to the cleaners, sure, but a lot of others including those from the Delhi government and sports ministry and the urban development ministry need to be given the stick as well.
It would have been so apt to have the president say after the spectacular closing ceremony that the games are closed, now let the audit begin.. :)


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